Support Bible AI's Mission with Your Giving

God has graciously provided for us over these many years, we are completely dependent on Him. We are very thankful for the generosity of soo many towards us, this has helped us to continue to cover ongoing server costs and the building of new features. Join us in our mission to continue to advance the gospel.


*we are not a charity but funded from our own personal finances.

Bible AI Services Roadmap

A comprehensive view of our plans for the future, so you can keep up-to-date on what's coming



Platform Development & Launch

2015 - 2025: Researched, developed, tuned, tested, trained and launched machine learning models, platform and apps.


In Progress

Bible Reader

Q1 2025: Preparing to launch our Bible reader with responsible AI integration.


Search and Bible Reader Updates

Q2 2025: Additional search and Bible reader features pending development.


Exciting Additional Apps

Q3-Q4 2025: Additional Gospel-based apps utilizing our platform.